Peace and Quiet

This has been the longest I’ve been without writing a post on my blog. It’s kinda crazy. But I honestly haven’t felt the urge to really write. My life has been fairly boring for the last 4 months since I came back from China. It’s difficult to write when you are needing to process things internally and unpack a plethora of emotions.

It’s taken me four full months of being back at home in America to truly rest still enough to begin to process my life. I really had become adjusted to such a busy lifestyle. One with very minimal resting and the reign of chaos. And I honestly miss it in some ways.

Quiet and stillness are unnatural for me. But I’ve relished in the abundance of both of these in my life of the past few months. I’ve had the gift of disconnecting from the world. I’ve been balancing out my brain and processing everything that has happened (honestly) throughout my entire life. I have both the gift and curse of not having a timetable of what will happen next. Life after the regular societally-structured school system is very different than one might expect. It’s much easier to drift and mentally unplug.

I’ve done so much internal healing since I’ve come back it surprises me. But, I’m beyond thankful that I’ve discovered my personal limits and learned how to step back before it all explodes in my face. In less than a week it will be Thanksgiving, and I think I might be more thankful than ever this year.

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