Just a small town girl who craves adventure, coffee, conversations, Jesus, and traveling.
Born and raised in the good ole' US of A. After living for a year in China, learning a lot of lessons, meeting amazing people, and traveling the world, Victoria spent a year back in the States scheming up what her next step would be. She just began the NOHA+ Masters program to earn a Masters in International Humanitarian Action. With this degree program, Victoria will be traveling to a new country each semester learning from experts and interacting with others actively engaged within the field. She is passionate about traveling everywhere (because it's on the list), meeting and having real conversations with people from all backgrounds, and trying to find the best cup of coffee in the world. As she is learning lessons, she actively engages in sharing them with those around her.
New Zealand- February 2018
Victoria Hess
Rooftop views in New York City- July 2018
There are so many things that can fill this space, both in life and online.
One of my personal goals is to love everyone. No matter what. I hope through what you see on my page makes you feel as if you are loved, even if you disagree.
Myself after my graduation from Olivet.
One of my best friends, Esther Paek, and I in a cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde National Park.
Victoria is an aspiring author, travel photographer, world explorer, and social influencer. She has a degree in Intercultural Studies from Olivet Nazarene University.