Between New Adventures


I am realizing how long it has been since I have posted a blog. It's been way too long! In all honesty, my life has been all sorts of crazy. I've been teaching 3-year-olds and 11th grade English in the same day. I have been apart of the worship team at church and being super involved with it all. SO many things.


One of the main things is work. I really love my work. I spend way too much time at work. Sometimes I can hardly believe how much I enjoy what I'm doing. I've realized how annoying it is to grade papers and when students don't turn them in. I've had to be tough with disciplining my students to help them realize what they need to do to get to achieving their goals. I have to straight talk some students to ask them that "if you can't even speak in a grammatically correct sentence, how can you expect to get into an Ivy League college?" I have had to fill in a lot of gaps. I've got to sit through a lot of parent-teacher conferences. I've got to see hard work pay off for some students. So many different life experiences. I've also discovered something I'm truly passionate about and can see how it can change the world, one person at a time. 


Since I last posted, I've discovered an allergy to soy. Do you know how many things in China are made with soy? Hint- there is more food with soy than without. It's rather ironic because my dad grows soybeans. So because of this, I've had to do a lot more of my own cooking. But since I am a self-admitted workaholic, I have eaten more than my share of PB&Js. 


A big thing that has been happening in my life is that I have lost a lot of weight. Like over 30lbs since around August. Another thing with that is that there are very, very few places in Guangzhou that sell things that are not "Chinese-sized". So I've been stuck making due until my Chinese New Year holiday- which I am currently on. I've been really annoying my friends/coworkers because I keep on complaining about how my clothes don't fit me anymore. 


I celebrated Christmas without my family. I started taking Chinese class, and yes, I do have homework I need to be doing. I've become a real adult doing adulty things- which means I have to quit saying adulting. I'm coming to understand how I work as a human being created by a perfect God. I keep on failing at doing things, but then I get up. I'm so thankful for all of the people I have met since I started my life in China who have helped turn it into my home. I keep on saying how I need to get back home and do things- and I mean China. I forget that America is my "home", but my mind and heart are in China. My body is somewhere else.


This is just a catch-up. I'll post about my adventures soon because this Victoria is adventuring. 

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