The beginning of a new chapter.
Victoria feat. the diploma
Well, it has taken me a while to write a true post after my graduation from college. The month leading up to my graduation and the subsequent end of my college career was filled with the panicked chaos that plagued me throughout the entirety of my #lifeatolivet. I finished my classes with the flare of spending several days basically without sleeping and trying to race to the last second on when my grades were due at 5 pm on a Friday afternoon so professors could get grades in on time. I ended up turning in my last assignment at about 5:45 pm on that Friday afternoon. Thankfully, I still got a good grade on that.
Ellie, Mariah, and I! Some of my first friends of college!
Senior week. Otherwise known as the last week with my friends before we all got our diplomas and scattered across the earth. I was able to spend some great quality time with a few of the people who have helped mold me over my four years of college. There was so much packing to get done during this week because of needing to move home. I also needed to get rid of as many of my nonessential belongings as possible. So, I ended up sending a great deal of my things to the Salvation Army. I got that hard-earned diploma, packed everything up and went on my merry way.
Esther, myself, Mariah, and Kyndall at our graduation!
Sitting in a car. I ended up going home with one of my favorite people and best friend, Esther, to Richmond, Virgina. I spent two weeks getting to meet some of the most influential people in her life. I also had the amazing opportunity to eat some delicious homemade Korean food for my first time ever eating Korean food. One of the main goals Esther had was buying a car. So I helped her look for and find her new car! From that one of her mechanic friends explained to her how she needed new brakes on the car, so we ended up buying new brakes for the car to put them on ourselves. Unfortunately, two of the lug nuts on one of the tires were cross threaded so they broke off when we were trying to take them off. Since we were doing this the night before heading out on a giant road trip, we were starting to panic because we had an 11-hour drive the next day. Fortunately, we found a mechanic that was open early the next morning and were able to get on the road before noon on a Friday!
My sister, Brittany, and I at my graduation.
The time crunch on the situation was that my sister was graduating on Saturday from high school. So we drove the 11-12 hours totally exhausted from starting the morning before 6 am and driving several hundred miles to arrive at my house at around midnight. I was able to make it to my sister's graduation! Afterward, Brittany (my sister) and I had a joint graduation party where I was able to see a lot of people I haven't seen in years. So much fun.
My siblings and I! Caleb, myself, and Brittany! I'm wearing flats and so are they! Haha
This post is getting a bit long for me to continue with what happened next so keep posted for the awesome things that have happened since! Also, this is the beginning of the new chapter in the life of my blog. As you can see, I have created a new website for all my posts! I hope this will make it easier for whoever wants to follow my journey in the coming next stage of my life! If you like what I write, I would love for you to share it or comment and let me know what you think! Also, photo credits to my brother Caleb!
Careena, myself, and Esther at graduation.
My mom, myself, Brittany, and Caleb!
Caleb, Brittany, myself, and my dad!