Victoria's Adventures

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Changes and Curveballs.

It's safe to say that today did not go as planned. I originally planned to wake up super, super early and get to work early to get my life organized. I woke up at about 6:30 am, then as soon as I was awake, I got notifications. Time to go back home. I talked to my family as I rushed to get ready for work and searched for plane tickets home. 

If you could see my desk at school, you wouldn't be able to believe the amount of chaos on it. There are things for Kindergarten: merit chart items, classroom jobs that are laminated and ready to hang up, and other assorted things for teaching; things for 5th graders: homework (graded and ready to give out), textbooks and lesson plans; things for 6th graders: lots of homework, things to get ready for a test. SO much chaos on my desk. Did I happen to mention I need to get a lot of lesson planning done?

But, as with life, just when you start to get into the swing of things and settle into a routine a curveball is thrown. I arrived in Guangzhou on August 12th. In that time, there has been a lot of life. I thought I said goodbye to my brother for much longer than actuality. I started my first real grown up job. I discovered how difficult teaching is. I found out that I'm actually teaching G5 & G6 Heritage, along with my job as a K5 homeroom teacher and teaching K3 & K5 English. The second day of school, I wrecked my bike and couldn't work because of hitting my head pretty hard. The next week (last week), I had a lot of things to take care of for visa stuff. Last Friday, I got the call. Grandma Marjorie isn't doing well and it doesn't look like she has much more time until she gets to meet Jesus. 

My Grandma Marjorie is glue. She is the glue that holds my dad's side of the family together. She is the one who knows what everyone is up to. She can tell you all about what my cousin is doing for Physical Therapy school. She can tell you what my siblings are up to better than I can. She keeps the communication open. She is the strongest one of all of us. We are all super independent and determined. She makes you feel loved. Loved without conditions. Grandma doesn't have to outright say what she thinks because you already know what she is thinking. Whether it's about the random thing that my Grandpa Dale found on an infomercial or talking about moving 8,000 miles away from home, you already know that she is the sharpest mind of us all. Somehow, she has never used a computer or the internet. Not something you see every day. Grandma is patient and kind. She has more books in her house than the average small town library. She has read most of them. Grandma can tell you all about how the price of eggs has gone up 30 cents in the last few months. One of the highlights of my drive home from Olivet was getting to talk to Grandma on the drive. There are so many other things about my Grandma Marjorie than I can even remember or write in a post. 

Back to today. I am currently sitting in an airport in Seoul, South Korea. I didn't even have a ticket bought to come home until 2 hours before I got to the airport. I haven't gotten "the" message yet but I know it's coming. We all have a finite time here on earth. Sometimes a car accident happens and you never get out of the car. Sometimes you get bucked off a horse and don't get off the ground. Sometimes you grow old and weary. It doesn't matter though because, at some point, we all have to kick the metaphorical bucket. You don't actually know if when you say "Good bye" or "See ya later" to someone if it is the last time you speak to them. But, because of Jesus, I know for my grandma if I can't get home in time, I will get to see her again and tell her in person how thankful I am for having her and her influence and love in my life. Maybe we will get to eat some Italian Cream Cake together- her specialty.